API Standards & Rules

Having clear standards for our Dixa API makes it easier for you as a user to understand its logic and implementation. Standards make our API more predictable and support intuitiveness, even if these rules are not explicitly stated. We will give you a short overview of the most important standards we are following.

Overall, the Dixa API follows REST architecture principles, which means that our resources use REST semantics and industry-standard HTTP verbs, response codes, and authentication schemes. On top of that, all responses and payloads are in JSON with consistent error codes and formats.


The Dixa API uses bearer token-based authentication. Bearer authentication (or sometimes also called token authentication) is an HTTP authentication scheme that involves security tokens called bearer tokens. The name "Bearer authentication" can be understood as "give access to the bearer of this token." The client must send this token in the Authorization header when making requests to protected resources.

The tokens can be generated through the Dixa interface and placed in the Authentication header while making the requests.

You can learn how to create a token by reading the Create an API token tutorial.

Rate Limiting

We impose rate-limits per token, which allows for more flexibility. Each token has the following rate limit:

  • Rate : 10 requests per second
  • Bursts : 4 requests
  • Quota : 864.000 requests per day

In the event your requests exceed the API Rate Limit, a response with HTTP status of 429 Too Many Requests is returned.