
Why a glossary is helpful

At Dixa, we try to create a customer & agent experience that is intuitive and seamless. Yet, there might be some concepts that are new to you, especially when coming from other software. This glossary should help you to get an understanding of concepts that are included in our Dixa API.


A conversation is the interaction between you and your customers, independent of the channel and the initiator. A conversation in Dixa terms can be open, closed and reopened multiple times.

The conversation endpoint makes it possible for you to interact with customers and also to derive all data from within a conversation.

Internal Note

An internal note is a message that is stored inside a conversation and is only visible for agents. It facilitates follow up and escalation to other agents and also can store other important information to help the resolution of a problem.


A rating is a customer evaluation of how good or bad the interaction with an agent has been. Dixa supports customizable CSAT ratings that allow your customers to rate a conversation on a scale from 1-5, using numbers or emojis.

The ratings endpoint allows you to receive all ratings data from any conversation.


A team is a specific collection of agents that work in Dixa together and are connected in the way they are working.

The team entity enables you to create and modify new teams in Dixa and also to get all data about already established teams.


An agent in Dixa is a distinctive role, in contrast to the customer. The agent is working in the agent interface to resolve customer problems. In the agent entity, we do not make a distinction between administrators and agents, so both will be included. An administrator has more permissions or privileges as an agent.

The agent endpoint enables you to create agents/admins and edit agent/admin information, while also giving you all data concerning agents/admins.


An administrator in Dixa is a distinctive role, in contrast to the customer. The admin is normally managing agents, setting up Dixa in terms of teams and queues or looking into analytics and performance. The admin has more permissions than an agent. Yet, in the agent entity, we do not make a distinction between administrators and agents, so both will be included.

The agent endpoint enables you to create agents/admins and edit agent/admin information, while also giving you all data concerning agents/admins.


An end-user in Dixa is a distinctive role, in contrast to the agent or admin. The end-user is normally a customer or a user that contacts support through a channel and is therefore stored as a contact in Dixa. Important to note is that an end-user cannot be deleted and only redacted in Dixa. The contact itself will stay in Dixa to understand conversation flows and analytics better.

The end-user endpoint enables you to create end-users and edit end-user information, while also giving you all data concerning end-users.


A queue in Dixa is a defined space where conversations can be transferred and escalated to and which includes specific agents. Conversations in a particular queue all go through the same workflow, and are routed to the same set of agents.

The queue entity enables you to add agents to a queue or derive data from the identified queues.