Misuse & Abuse of Dixa API
To guarantee the highest security standards and to safeguard the interests of Dixa, we consider it our utmost priority to inform about and prevent any sort of misuse or abuse of our Dixa API.
Examples of misuse include, but are not exclusive to:
- Attempting to use functionality or endpoints not documented in the Dixa API or any other external APIs
- Using vulnerabilities in the Dixa API to get access to unintended functionality
- Overloading API endpoints by both obscene size of payloads or frequency of requests
- Any use of the Dixa API that circumvents or seeks to circumvent restrictions on services, usage and access found in the Agreement
Any use of the Dixa API that circumvents or seeks to circumvent the Agreement or its spirit.
- This includes, but is not limited to measures that aim to divert customer support requests away from the Dixa platform, unless otherwise agreed upon in the Agreement.
All Dixa API endpoints are rate limited and exceeding the rate limit is not considered misuse. You can read more about our rate limiting on API Standards & Rules.
If misuse is identified from a specific API token, we will reach out to the creator by email, informing of the problem and suggesting paths to secure or rectify the offending integration, use, or behavior.
Dixa holds the right to change rate limit values and API vulnerabilities to secure against misuse. We also hold the right to revoke access to any and all parts of our API if misuse of the Dixa API is suspected. This is to protect the Dixa API and the entirety of the Dixa platform against misuse.